The Star Wars Problem: How Disney Created A Monster 1

A beloved series once adored by millions is now loathed by many. How could one giant corporation breathe new life into a stagnant universe only to be accused of killing it at the same time? The world of Star Wars has only seemed to grow over the years — but now it’s growth has turned it into a monster. Many may pinpoint the development and release of The Last Jedi as a turning point of the franchise — but signs of trouble appeared much sooner. So what exactly went wrong and what can Disney do to fix it? With some patience and elffort, fans can once again become interested in the stories and characters from a galaxy far, far away.

The year is 2012 — rumors have been swirling for a while, but many assuming Star Wars fans are still enjoying both trilogies and getting their new content fixes through novels, comics, or TV shows like The Clone Wars. And then the House of Mouse strikes down faster than a Death star attack — Disney is purchasing Lucasfilm and the WHOLE Star Wars franchise. It was a move people should have saw in the making — Disney had recently acquired Marvel, the Muppets, and were not only looking to expand their home entertainment options — but their amusement parks as well. Acquiring Star Wars was a smart business decision on Disney’s part — but with the MCU just getting off the ground, the Star Wars fan base in 2012 was a whole different beast to take on.

Por Diego