Star Wars: Clone Wars (sometimes referred to as Tartakovsky’s Clone Wars) is an American animated television micro-series adapted, directed, produced and co-written by Genndy Tartakovsky, set in the Star Warsuniverse. Produced and released between the films Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, it is the first of many works to explore the conflict set between the two known as the Clone Wars, and directly leads to the events of Revenge of the Sith. The show follows the actions of various characters from the Star Wars prequel trilogy, notably Jedi Knights and clone troopers, in their war against the battle droid armies of the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Sith. The series is notable for introducing the character of General Grievous to the Star Wars universe.
The series aired on Cartoon Network for three seasons consisting of 25 episodes from 2003 to 2005, and was the first Star Wars television series since Star Wars: Ewoks in 1986. The first two seasons of Clone Wars, known together as «Volume One», were produced in a two- to three-minute «micro» format, while season three consisted of five fifteen-minute episodes making up «Volume Two». Both volumes were later released on home video edited as feature-length films. Since release, the series has received critical acclaim and won multiple awards, including the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Animated Program twice for both of its volumes.
Star Wars: Clone Wars (titulada Star Wars: Guerras Clónicas en Hispanoamérica) es una serie animada situada dentro del universo de Star Wars. La serie se da en medio de la Guerras Clon entre la República galácticabajo el liderazgo del Canciller Palpatine, y la Confederación de Sistemas Independientes bajo el liderazgo del Conde Dooku.
Cronológicamente, los sucesos de la serie ocurren en el período de tres años que existe entre El ataque de los clones y La venganza de los Sith. Esta serie fue producida por Cartoon Network Studios en asociación con Lucasfilm, y tuvo 25 episodios los cuales fueron emitidos desde el año 2003 hasta el año 2005. Una serie animada en CGI 3D llamada Star Wars: The Clone Wars se sitúa en el mismo período. Esta serie fue producida por Lucasfilm Animation, una división de Lucasfilm; y estrenada el 3 de octubre de 2008.1