What ANAKIN Needed to Do to Become a JEDI MASTER – Star Wars Explained
In Star Wars Revenge of the Sith, Anakin desperately wanted to become a Jedi Master, however he was not granted this status by Mace Windu and Yoda…why? What did he…
Who Was Darth Vader’s Servant In ROGUE ONE – Star Wars Explained
In Rogue One Darth Vader has a secret attendant and cloaked figure that looks over him within his bacta tank. But what exactly do we know about this mysterious figure?…
HOW and WHAT Darth Vader Ate to SURVIVE (CANON and LEGENDS) – Star Wars Explained
HOW and WHAT Darth Vader Ate to SURVIVE (CANON and LEGENDS) – Star Wars Explained Darth Vader was the most terrifying entity in the known Galaxy…he appeared immortal, more machine…
Disney Wants To CANCEL EA Star Wars License! Ubisoft or Activision May Take Over & Replace Them…
Disney Wants To CANCEL EA Star Wars License! Ubisoft or Activision May Take Over & Replace Them… ★ Apparently Disney is not happy with EA because of how they have…
Ashes of the Empire – Star Wars Battlefront II Lore Play #13
Ashes of the Empire – Star Wars Battlefront II Lore Play #13 Find out what happened to Vardos after Operation: Cinder while we play through the Battlerfont II Project Resurrection…
New Books and Comics Releasing for Solo: A Star Wars Story
Entertainment Weekly has released the details surrounding new books and comics that will tie in with Solo: A Star Wars Story! Here’s how a galaxy of new books will connect…
Interesantes Noticias del Episodio 9 de Star Wars
Descubre las últimas interesantes noticias sobre el Episodio 9 de Star Wars, que nos muestran varios detalles del tono que podría tener el final de la saga, con varias locaciones…
The Legend of Jango Fett – Star Wars Explained
Learn about Jango Fett’s history in today’s Star Wars Minute! This is the Legends version of Jango’s story. We don’t have much information about him in the new Canon, except…
The Political Dynasty of Star Wars: House Valorum – Star Wars Explained
Learn about the most prominent political family from the Star Wars galaxy, House Valorum.
The Legend of Salacious Crumb – Star Wars Explained
The Legend of Salacious Crumb – Star Wars Explained Learn the legendary history of Jabba’s pet and court jester Salacious Crumb.