¿Quién es REALMENTE el ELEGIDO en STAR WARS? – Star Wars Explicado
The Complete Story of Brendol Hux – The Father of General Hux
Learn the complete canon story of Brendol Hux, as told by multiple Star Wars books, including Servants of the Empire, the Aftermath Trilogy, and Phasma!
Why Did Plagueis Choose Shmi to Be Anakin’s Mother? Star Wars Explained
In Star Wars Revenge of the Sith we are led to believe that Darth Plagueis the Wise created Anakin. However, in the novel Darth Plagueis, the story goes quite differently…
Star Wars Battlefront 2 DLC 2018 and 2019: What We Want! Clone Wars, Han Solo and Rogue One!
We talk about the next two years of Star Wars Battlefront 2 DLC seasons including DLC season 2, 3 and 4 and beyond both for 2018 and 2019! We talk…
Palpatine (Star Wars) and Regan (The Exorcist) – Do you see the resemblance?
Which is more frightening?
Los Poderes Más Terribles del Lado Oscuro de la Fuerza Usados por los Sith – Star Wars
Cuáles eran los poderes mas terribles utilizados por los usuarios del lado oscuro de la Fuerza.
Star Wars Episode 9 News & Update! Skywalker Saga Continues & More
Lets go over some star wars news when it comes to star wars episode 9, which will be the film after star wars the last jedi that will close the…