Luke’s Grand Illusion by Jedi-art-trick:Jedi-Art-Trick
Luke’s Grand Illusion by Jedi-art-trick:Jedi-Art-Trick He’s taking a lot of heat for his characterization in TLJ, but Luke has saved the rebellion and the galaxy a few times now, and…
Luke’s Grand Illusion by Jedi-art-trick:Jedi-Art-Trick He’s taking a lot of heat for his characterization in TLJ, but Luke has saved the rebellion and the galaxy a few times now, and…
Alden Ehrenreich Talks His Han Solo!
«Jinn always does things his own way, always sure he is right, always incredulous if we do not see it his way. Some think he is a gray Jedi.« ―Tyvokka,…
We explore what Jedi knights have used red lightsaber blades and the history of lightsabers concerning why the Sith most often utilize red blades and Jedi most commonly use blue…
El Último Soldado Clon (Canon) Por ahora sabemos que él es el último soldado clon. Tendremos que esperar que es de Rex despues de Star Wars Rebels.
Star Wars: Kanan The Last Padawan Explained
What Darth Vader Did After the Death Star was Destroyed | FULL ComicMovie We once again bring you a rendition of the ComicMovie style, combining all three parts of the…
The WEAKEST Moment of Yoda’s Life(CANON) – Star Wars Comics Explained He was revered as one of the most powerful Jedi ever but on this particular day, Yoda never felt…
Darth Vader KILLS Pirates That Stole from the Empire(CANON) – Star Wars Comics Explained Desperate in trying to impose his power to the Empire once more, Darth Vader pursues Space…
Por qué amamos al EJÉRCITO CLON | STAR WARS Seguro que muchas veces te has visto Star Wars y pensaste: «Ojalá fuera un clone trooper para luchar en las Guerras…