Why These 7 Powerful Jedi Eventually Became Sith 1

Few people set out to become a Dark Lord of the Sith. When the Jedi Order finds someone who is Force-sensitive, they tend to teach them the better aspects of the light side of the Force while disparaging the dark side as much as possible. When someone is taken directly into the Sith, it’s often at a young age when they are easily corrupted. The most dangerous people to become Sith have always been those who received some training first as a Jedi and then decided it would be best to pop on over to the dark side to see what all the fuss was about (word is they have cookies).

Despite all the warnings from elder members of the Jedi Council and a little green wizard, people still try out their skills for the Sith and we have gone through all of canon and the newly-labeled Legends to find the most powerful members of the Sith who were once a Jedi (they are listed in no particular order). So, after much contemplation and argument, here are the Most Powerful Jedi Who Turned To The Dark Side.

Por Diego