This was the Jedi Order's Most Hate Filled & DERANGED Member 1

Raana Tey was a Togruta female and one of the five Jedi Masters implicated in the Padawan Massacre of Taris. Tey maintained a reputation among the Jedi Order as being intense and untamed due to her individualism in combat, in no small part caused by her Togruta background. However, Tey was a victim of nightmares and headaches as a result of her natural Force sensitivity. Only after coming under the tutelage of Jedi Master Krynda Draay was she able to cope with these terrors.

Dedicated to her training, Tey became a Sage Master and member of the First WatchCircle of the Jedi Covenant, later teaching Kamlin, a Falleen girl. However, the WatchCircle’s devotion to preventing the rise of the Sith again led to a vision of a Sith Lord, and so the members struck down each of their own Padawans during their Knighting ceremony with the exception of Zayne Carrick, on whom the Covenant would lay blame for the murders, resulting in a galaxy-wide chase. As a result of murdering her own apprentice, Tey’s sanity began to erode as her headaches and nightmares turned for the worse and the WatchCircle she had grown to depend on for support was dissolved by the Jedi High Council.

Tey worked relentlessly to find Carrick and his companions as she hired bounty hunters and turned old friends against the fugitive Padawan. It wasn’t until the siege on Taris by the Mandalorians that she finally confronted him once again. Though forced to work with him due to the resistance that had risen up against the Mandalorians, she soon attacked Carrick inside the Jedi Tower, fighting him to a standstill before she was stabbed in the back by Shel Jelavan, and finally killed when the Tower exploded.

Por Diego