Why Leia Didn't Mourn Obi-Wan's Death in A New Hope 1

I’ve seen some people saying that the fact that Leia doesn’t mourn the death of Obi-Wan in A New Hope is some sort of proof that the Obi-Wan Kenobi series breaks canon or whatever. And I never thought twice about that moment, and I have thought about that moment, but it lines up perfectly with her character to me. Even before we knew she’d met Obi-Wan before, she is the one comforting Luke after Kenobi’s death. Even though she just lost her entire family and her entire planet!

Leia is strong. She is unbreakable. She is the face of the Rebellion and a symbol of hope for the entire galaxy. She puts up that tough exterior and she rarely lets it fall. To the point where in the comics other Alderaanians question whether or not she even cares about the death of her planet. So was she sad Obi-Wan died? I’m sure she was. Did she show it to Luke or Han? No. And honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised or judgmental if her grief over the Jedi she knew nine years ago got lost among the grief of losing everything else she ever held dear.

Por Diego