Adas Korriban

Adas was king of Korriban and the Sith in a reign that lasted nearly three hundred years. He was large for his species, his skin was unusually charcoal-colored, and he was raised as a chosen being from his youth. Encasing himself in ebon armor, he wielded a massive battle-ax, and became a master of Sith magic. Circa 28,000 BBY, Adas united the disparate nations of Korriban in a series of bloody conflicts, eventually solidifying himself as the sole leader of his people.

The Sith hailed Adas as the Sith’ari, or «Overlord.» The commonly held belief was that he was invincible and that his reign would be eternal. Circa 27,700 BBY, Rakata from the Infinite Empire arrived on Korriban and taught Adas to harness the technology of holocrons. Adas created one of these devices but soon realized that the new arrivals attempted to conquer Korriban. He took his battle-ax to the aliens and drove them off with his people at his side. In doing so, he lost his life.

Adas’s influence, however, continued for many years following his death. His holocron was later granted to the Exiles in 6900 BBY, when the reign of the first Jen’ari, or «Dark Lord» of the Sith, began. It was later lost on Ashas Ree during the Great Hyperspace War, where it was later found by fallen Jedi Knight Freedon Nadd, who used Adas’s teachings to subjugate and rule Onderon. When that planet cast off the yoke of Sith oppression in 4000 BBY, the Jedi attempted to hide the holocron so that it would not fall into the wrong hands. It remained safely hidden on Kodai for nearly four thousand years but was retrieved in the years before the Clone Wars. Murder was committed several times in attempts to gain control of the holocron, and it was eventually returned to Korriban while in possession of Dark Lady of the Sith Lumiya.

Por Diego