4 Best Companies on the Coruscant Stock Exchange 1

The Coruscant Stock Exchange was a large building on Coruscant, built circa 500 BBY. Over the centuries, it would be the place where stocks and shares were handled for corporations, big and small, all over the galaxy, and there was always activity there at any given time. It was a huge building, being over 600 stories tall with a million shareholders there at any given time. It was located a distance away from the Senate District.

During the Battle of Coruscant, it was partly destroyed by orbital bombardment, causing slight damage to the Republic economy. During the times of the Empire, it was renamed the Imperial Stock Exchange, and was emblazoned with statues of Palpatine. When the New Republic took Coruscant, it was reverted to its previous name. When Coruscant fell to the Yuuzhan Vong, it was destroyed by the terraforming process. After Coruscant was retaken, it was rebuilt, albeit on a smaller scale, and a larger stock exchage was built on Dac.

Por Diego