Qi'ra Reunites With Han Solo!!! - War of the Bounty Hunters 1

After the death of Dryden Vos, the public face of the Crimson Dawn crime syndicate, it’s true leader in the shadows, Darth Maul summoned Qi’ra to Dathomir so that they could work more closely together, since she was the highest ranking member of the syndicate remaining. Unfortunately, this would mark the last time she would see her former love Han Solo, and is the last that we know of her in Canon… Until now…

Qi’ra from Solo: A Star Wars Story is finally back, and this time she’s the LEADER OF CRIMSON DAWN after the death of Former Leader, Darth Maul

In the process of taking the carbonite frozen Han Solo from Cloud city back to Jabba the Hutt, Solo’s body was stolen from Boba Fett by a mysterious figure, sparking a war of the bounty hunters… Things get so heated that Qi’ra even gets involved… So lets find out how she fits in.

So, the story begins inside the ship of the mysterious bounty hunter who stole Han Solo from the grip of Boba Fett. On board, two shadowy figures begin talking amongst each other, wondering if it was painful to be frozen in Carbonite. One of them makes the assumption that based on Han Solo’s face at the moment he was frozen, it’s pretty clear he was in extraordinary pain.

Following this, we cut all the way to a deep spaceport, in the Mid rim, where a menacing Crime Lady greets the arrival of the bounty hunters on board the Vermillion. She welcomes Margo and Trinia out onto the deck, and asks about the condition of Solo… Now very awesomely, Margo is actually the lady who welcomed Han, Chewie and Beckett onto Dryden Vos’ Yacht in Solo a Star Wars story…Awesome little connection to the movie there, and tells you the direction this story is headed.

Margo then explains to her boss that they took Solo from a back-alley doctor on Nar Shaddaa, and managed to stabilize him in the carbonite holder, after having some issues earlier.

The crime lady then asks Margo if Han is conscious inside of the carbonite, to which she quickly replies “I hope not. What a hell that would be”. The crime lady however responds by saying it wouldn’t be so bad if he was living in the right dream or memory.

Margo then tells her boss that there is still one more problem. They stole Han from the doctor, but the doctor was working for someone else. The notoriously effective bounty hunter, Boba fett. The crime boss, however, already knows this and admires his skill, but understands that he’s only one man, before gesturing broadly and saying “we’re all of this”, challenging Boba to come and take Han back, as if he was right in front of her.

Back on Nar Shadda, inside of a local cantina, Boba enters a deep rage, exclaiming that somebody’s going to die very soon. The bartender asks him “what makes that different from every other day, Fett? Is this a special someone”… to which Boba tells him “they stole from me”.
Boba tells the bartender that he went to a lot of trouble for this bounty and had to work with a very complicated client.

Por Diego