Great News For The Bad Batch, Rogue Squadron Update 1

In this Star Wars news update, we talk about The Bad Batch and some great news about the season finale. Dave Filoni’s Clone Wars spin-off is only 5 episodes in and we have so many unanswered questions to do with Omega, Order 66, Wrecker, Crosshair, the Empire, Fennec Shand and more! What will happen to Omega, the clone from Kamino and medical assistant Nala Se? Is she a clone of Jango Fett or someone else? Is Omega force-sensitive? I also talk about Rogue Squadron, the next Patty Jenkins movie – some of the crew behind Wonder Woman 1984 is going to be working on the movie which was announced in December by Kathleen Kennedy. We also speculate when the movie will take place. Options include during the Original Trilogy, After Rogue One or even After the Rise of Skywalker.

Finally, I look at a Star Wars theory about Luke Skywalker who has a canon wife in the Last Jedi novelization – Camie Marstrap. We know in the Thrawn Trilogy (the now Star Wars Legends or Expanded Universe) that Luke’s wife was Mara Jade Skywalker but Camie is canon and we might see her in the Mandalorian Season 3, the Book of Boba Fett or even the Ahsoka Tano series with Rosario Dawson since that show will deal with the World Between Worlds. We discuss the tie ins with Rian Johnson’s the Last Jedi, the Mandalorian Season 2 finale when Luke met Din Djarin (Pedro Pascal) and collected Grogu (Baby Yoda) for Jedi training from Moff Gideon’s light cruiser and we talk about how that might come about. It involves Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau who might be placing the Sequel Trilogy which was widely disliked by the Star Wars fandom, on a separate timeline.

Por Diego