Star Wars - The Rise of Skywalker D23 Footage Palpatine Easter Egg Discovered 1

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker‘s new trailer reveals a lot of surprising details about the plot, as well as containing a few Easter eggs. Released at D23 Expo 2019, the footage is described as a «sizzle reel» but may as well be the film’s second trailer.

The first teaser for Star Wars 9 dropped in April at Star Wars Celebration, showing all the returning characters, a few new ones, and confirming the return of Emperor Palpatine. It had been expected that the D23 footage would be a behind-the-scenes reel as it was for Star Wars: The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi, but instead it contained what appears to be finished footage. Of course, irector J.J. Abrams is well-known for his Mystery Box approach to marketing, with trailers always tending to raise a lot more questions than answers – and that certainly the case with the Star Wars 9 D23 trailer.

Por Diego