Why Yoda FEARED Qui-Gon Jinn Would Fall to the Dark Side (Canon) - Star Wars 1

Qui-Gon Jinn was a highly respected, yet maverick and unconventional HumanmaleJedi Master, who lived during the last decades of the Galactic Republic and was most notably responsible for discovering Anakin Skywalker, the Chosen One of the Jedi prophecy, and bringing him into the Jedi Order. An adherent of the Living Force, Jinn always kept his focus in the moment and often clashed with and even openly defied the Jedi High Council. Born in 92 BBY, Qui-Gon Jinn was raised at the Jedi Temple on the galacticcapital of Coruscant before being apprenticed at the age of ten to Jedi KnightDooku. After years of training under Dooku, Jinn achieved the rank of Jedi Knight and—after successfully training a Padawan of his own, a farmer’s son named Feemor—became a Jedi Master himself. Shortly after that, Jinn took on a second Padawan, a prodigy named Xanatos, whom Jinn had himself discovered and had brought to the Jedi Temple earlier. Jinn was marveled by his Padawan’s prowess so much that he turned a blind eye to Xanatos’s flaws, namely his desire for power.

Por Diego