Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi – The Sith War Issue #3
The Mandalorians are recruited by the Sith, which leads to an all-out attack on Coruscant. DOWNLOAD
The Mandalorians are recruited by the Sith, which leads to an all-out attack on Coruscant. DOWNLOAD
When the Empire was formed, in Legends Palpatine continued using the clones but now they also transformed into the stormtrooper corps…
What the Empire did with the last created Clones.
After Order 66 Darth Vader wasn’t the safest he had ever been, even though the Jedi were being persecuted, some Clone factions didn’t get the memo…
Obi-Wan was killed by Darth Vader, however, what if I told you that he saw Snoke? Luke? Leia? Han’s death even? All of this is Canon.
Star Wars Battlefront 2 News and Updates – We’ve got some insights as to what is going on with Mace Windu and if he would be added to Battlefront 2…
The Mandalorians are recruited by the Sith, which leads to an all-out attack on Coruscant. DOWNLOAD
The Mandalorians are recruited by the Sith, which leads to an all-out attack on Coruscant. DOWNLOAD
We continue our 10 Flaws series by looking at why the RZ-1 A-Wing was the best interceptor star fighter in star wars.
We all have a little Sith in our personality, here’s a few breakdown of famous Sith lords.