Palpatine was the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic who became the Emperor of the Galactic Empire after a coup d’état against the Jedi Order. He was also a Sith Lord who went by the name of Darth Sidious. After becoming emperor, Palpatine appeared to the public in different ways, depending on his audience and purpose.
To the general public, Palpatine presented himself as a benevolent and charismatic leader who had saved the galaxy from the Jedi’s treason and the Separatists’ threat. He used technology to alter his appearance and voice, hiding his scars and deformity that he claimed were caused by the Jedi’s attack on him. He also used propaganda and censorship to manipulate the public opinion and suppress any dissent. He rarely made live appearances, and instead relied on holograms, broadcasts, and speeches to communicate with the masses. Here are some examples of how Palpatine appeared to the public:

Palpatine is seen addressing the Senate after declaring himself Emperor. He looks like his prequel appearance, with no signs of his Sith corruption. He wears a red robe and a medal, symbolizing his authority and prestige. He speaks with a calm and confident tone, claiming that he has restored peace and security to the galaxy.

Palpatine is seen as a hologram in the Disney XD show Rebels. He appears as a young and handsome man, with a friendly and gentle voice. He wears a blue suit and a tie, resembling his senatorial attire. He congratulates the citizens of Lothal for their loyalty and dedication to the Empire, and invites them to celebrate Empire Day.

Palpatine is seen as a still image in the Star Wars Databank. He looks like his original trilogy appearance, with his pale and wrinkled skin, yellow eyes, and crooked teeth. He wears a black hooded robe, concealing most of his face. He has a sinister and menacing expression, revealing his true nature as the Dark Lord of the Sith.

To the military and the Imperial elite, Palpatine showed himself as a powerful and ruthless ruler who demanded absolute obedience and loyalty. He did not bother to disguise his appearance or his aura, and instead used them to intimidate and dominate his subordinates. He also used the Force to enhance his presence and influence, making him appear as a god-like figure. He only appeared in person to those who he deemed worthy or useful, and often used fear and violence to keep them in line. Here are some examples of how Palpatine appeared to the military and the Imperial elite:

Palpatine is seen arriving on the Death Star II in Return of the Jedi. He is surrounded by his Royal Guards and his personal shuttle. He wears a black hooded robe and a cane, giving him an old and frail appearance. However, he also emits a dark and ominous energy, making him seem dangerous and formidable. He greets Darth Vader and Moff Jerjerrod with a cold and mocking voice, expressing his displeasure and impatience with their progress.

Palpatine is seen in his throne room on the Death Star II in Return of the Jedi. He sits on a large and ornate throne, overlooking the battle of Endor. He wears a black hooded robe and a ring, displaying his authority and wealth. He has a twisted and evil smile, enjoying the suffering and despair of his enemies. He taunts and tortures Luke Skywalker with his words and his Force Lightning, trying to turn him to the dark side.

Palpatine is seen in his office on Coruscant in Revenge of the Sith. He is confronted by Mace Windu and three other Jedi Masters, who have come to arrest him for being a Sith Lord. He wears a red robe and a pendant, signifying his status as the Supreme Chancellor. He has a calm and innocent demeanor, pretending to be a victim of the Jedi’s betrayal. However, he quickly reveals his true identity as Darth Sidious, and attacks the Jedi with his lightsaber and his Force powers, killing them all except for Windu.