ALL the Slimy Hutt Leaders of the Clone Wars 1

During the Clone Wars, the Hutts’ power over the Outer Rim caused their hyperspace lanes to be sought by both the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The chaos of the war allowed the Hutts to seize opportunities it provided to expand their influence to the far reaches of the galaxy. In particular, the Hutts extended Hutt Space from its traditional holdings in the Outer Rim all the way into the Expansion Region to the edge of the Mid Rim. With Republic forces busy engaging Separatist forces elsewhere, it was left to inadequate local system governments to defend themselves against Hutt influence. However, much of the Hutts territorial expansion was itself contained by large swatches of Separatist space.

Also during the war, the Black Sun and Pyke Syndicate were considered rivals to the Hutt Clan.

Early into the War, Rotta, the son of Jabba, was secretly kidnapped by the Separatists, orchestrated by Sith Lord and Head of State Count Dooku with help from Jabba’s uncle Ziro. The plot was meant to discredit the Jedi Order and scuttle negotiations between the Republic and the Hutts as well as make it look like the Hutt Clan was going to be wiped out, but his nemesis Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan Ahsoka Tano were able to rescue Rotta from the Separatists. The crime lord had promised his support to whomever returned his son, and when Jabba’s uncle Ziro, was revealed to have schemed Rotta’s kidnapping with Dooku so he could take control of the Hutt Clan, Jabba pledged his support to the Republic. The treaty allowed the Republic to navigate essential Hutt hyperspace lanes and circumvent Separatist space while providing the Hutts with key trade routes within the Mid Rim Territories. Treaties between the Republic and Hutts also had the unintended effect of legitimizing Hutt operations.

At another point in the War, Jabba hired bounty hunter Cad Bane to get information on the Senate Building on Coruscant. After gaining the information, the Grand Hutt Council hired Bane to free Ziro before he revealed the Council’s records, which were kept in a holodiary on Teth, to the Republic Senate in exchange for his freedom. Thus, there was a hostage crisis that took place at the Senate Office Building on Coruscant, in which bounty hunters led by Bane held the Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine of the Republic and other senators hostage in order to free Ziro from the Central Detention Center. Ziro, with the help of Bane, escaped from the custody of the Republic. However, two Jedi MastersQuinlan Vos and Obi-Wan Kenobi— found him dead on Teth after he was killed by his lover Sy Snootles, at the behest of Jabba.

Por Diego