The Nightsister Culture in The Clone Wars 1

The Nightsisters, also known as the Witches of Dathomir or Daughters of Dathomir, were a clan and ancient order of magick-wielding female Dathomirians who lived on Dathomir, a planet bathed in dark energies. These Dark side users were able to perform their arcane magicks by tapping into the magical ichor that flowed from the depths of their planet.

By tapping into the magical ichor that flowed from Dathomir’s depths, the witches could harness a power they referred to as «magick.» The most powerful of the Nightsisters could use that ichor to create objects out of thin air, transform people into ghostly versions of their true forms, or even reanimate the dead. They were also known to domesticate benign rancors.

Although their the Jedi and Sith would view their powers as residing in the dark side of the force, the Nightsisters’ study differed from the power hungry ambitions of the Sith or the seeking of knowledge of the Jedi Order, and, in actuality, the Nightsisters did not make disctintions between the light and the dark sides of the force, and freely crossed the line between the two sides. They viewed everything such as animals, weapons like the energy bows, and even the Nightbrothers as tools to ensure their clan’s ultimate survival and would bend or discard such tools without remorse, pity, and regret. Due to this mindset, they could avoid the passions and rage that swayed those in the Sith while wielding powers that the Jedi feared tapping into.

Some Nightsisters believed in the Winged Goddess, a deity of life, fertility, and divination, while some others believed in the Fanged God, a deity of death and the hunt. The Nightsisters did not celebrate death, but did not fear it and saw it as a part of life, with the divide being a veil that they would all eventually pass through.

Por Diego