Pasaana Planet History and Society 1

Pasaana was a desert planet located in the Expansion Region‘s Ombakond sector that was the homeworld of the Aki-Aki species. Although the world was home to a great many dangers, the planet was famous for its joyous Festival of the Ancestors that attracted visitors from surrounding sectors.

Pasaana was a terrestrial planet located in the Middian system, a part of the Ombakond sector in the Expansion Region, positioned at the coordinates O-13 on the Standard Galactic Grid. It orbited a star and was in turn circled by a single moon. Pasaana was 11,135 kilometers in diameter and its local year lasted 378 standard days. The planet had an arid climate and supported a breathable atmosphere.

The surface of the planet were long stretches of sun-bleached dunes and shrubland disrupted by the towering buttes of granite and sandstone that created shadowed valleys where water collected. Under the surface of Pasaana’s deserts were a number of caves that connected to freshwater aquifers. However, a number of predators could be found in the caves; the threat they posed kept the Aki-Aki from overexploiting the water supply.

The phedrugrass and termania-spore grew in the dustgrain farms, and they were a staple in Aki-Aki’s diet. Sarlaccs could also be found on Pasanna, becoming another one of the hazards unprepared travelers could fall prey to. Pasaana was home to many insects, including gorpion, gouge-beetle, solif-spider, and thistlebuzzer. Other creatures included etobi, oki-poki, titan-erke, and vexis.

Por Diego