The WILD Backstory Behind Darth Vader's TIE Fighter 1

Darth Vader’s TIE Advanced x1 was a starfighter used by Darth Vader during the Galactic Civil War, leading Black Squadron, and flown by him during the Battle of Yavin. It was a modified early prototype of the TIE Advanced x1 line, and in fact was the first of the limited production.

The TIE Advanced x1 featured a greater speed than the TIE/LN. It was armed with heavy twin blaster cannons on fixed mounts, and was also capable of carrying secondary weapons such as cluster missiles. In addition, unlike most TIE models, the TIE Advanced x1 was equipped with both a hyperdrive and a deflector shield generator and even a much more effective solar ionization reactor and stronger hull.

The Advanced x1 had more cockpit capacity than other TIEs, thus catering to the larger-than-average figure of Darth Vader. It was built to Vader’s specifications by Santhe/Sienar Technologies at the Sienar Advanced Projects Laboratory.

Unlike the class standard, Vader’s TIE Advanced apparently possessed a life-support system.

Por Diego