The Rebel Alliance's absolutely BRUTAL Special Forces 1

Rebel Alliance Special Forces, also known as Alliance Special Forces or Rebel Alliance SpecForces were a special military branch of the Alliance to Restore the Republic led by General Crix Madine. Known to be a cocky and arrogant in general, SpecForce often took the Rebellion more seriously than most ground troops, and disdained on those who shirked from duty. All SpecForce personnel were required to pass training which consisted of four months of intense, physical and mental training, including learning the use of antique slugthrowers, disarming proximity mines and rappelling off a ray shield.

The Alliance Special Forces was founded as a detachment of the Alliance Army following the founding of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Alliance General Pitt Onoran was put in charge of the Alliance Special Forces on Yavin 4 and some of its first battle groups were the Marine Corps, the Pathfinders—led by Sergeant Ruescott Melshi—and the 4th SpecForce Regiment, a battle group comprising of many elite rebel troopers including Jav Mefran.

Por Diego