The Supreme Beings of Star Wars Explained: Force Priestess 1

The Force Priestesses were five beings that resided on the Wellspring of Life, the home of the midi-chlorians.

The priestesses were representative of the connection between the Living Force as experienced by living beings, and the Cosmic Force in its role in the greater scheme of the universe. Existing within the Wellspring of Life, the five were a form of shape-shifter, and would mutate their forms to manifest as Serenity, Joy, Anger, Confusion, and Sadness.

Jedi Master Yoda encountered the Force Priestesses during the Clone Wars. They knew the secret to transforming into a Force spirit.

The Bedlam Spirits were an omnipotent group of entities that inhabited the planet Bedlam near the Bedlam Pulsar. Sometime during the Galactic Civil War, Princess Leia Organa encountered them while escaping from Imperial troops.

The spirits were very powerful beings, capable of manipulating time and mass. However, they were prone to childish behavior.

Por Diego