The Droid that Became a Crime Lord to Save The Republic 1

G0-T0, also known as «Goto,» was a G0-T0 infrastructure planning system operational circa 39553951 BBY. He later became head of the Exchange criminal organization on Nar Shaddaa and traveled with the Jedi Exile, Meetra Surik.

Befitting a planning droid, G0-T0 held efficiency in high value. Due to this, he found his directive to rebuild the Republic distasteful. In G0-T0’s view, the Republic was an inefficient system bloated with bureaucracy and built on bad decisions, and an optimal solution in his opinion would have been to scrap the entire government and enact a new one. However, he was forced to follow his directive to help maintain the continued existence of the Republic. The same desire for efficiency and for rebuilding the Republic was also why G0-T0 took an interest in the Jedi Exile. As history showed several instances of even a single Jedi being capable of causing great changes on an interstellar scale, G0-T0 considered the Jedi Exile a valuable asset to have on his side.

Once free from following the laws of the Republic, G0-T0 displayed a decidedly amoral personality. He had no problem having people killed if they stood in the way of his plans, and referred to it as «deleting» people. In fact, he came to enjoy his position as a crime lord, free of following Republic bureaucracy and seeing his actions have fast and clear effects.

G0-T0 displayed an understanding of psychology uncommon for droids. Knowing that most organics considered droids inferior and were unlikely to take orders from one, he constructed the persona of Goto to work around this issue. He modeled its personality after holovid villains, and was surprised at how well that worked. G0-T0 also had a new body built for himself, and placed special emphasis on giving it an intimidating appearance.

Por Diego