The Most POWERFUL Lightsaber of All Time That Terrified Jedi 1

This ancient and TERRIFYING Lightsaber is considered the most powerful of all time…

Over the course of Galactic History there have been an absolutely huge amount of different lightsaber variants and types, ranging from the very tame single bladed saber to the unwieldy lightwhip. But what was the most powerful type of lightsaber that was feared across the Galaxy? Well, hit that subscribe button and lets find out…

So despite there being ridiculously huge sabers like the Lightclub and ones that curved in weird ways like the Sickle-Bladed saber, there was one weapon that stood out in in its time, and is widely considered by galactic historians to be the most powerful ever. That was the first ever doubleded bladed lightsaber, constructed by Exar Kun. Information about this saber is pretty limited in Canon so far, but it is believed to have been the common ancestor for all double bladed sabers down the line, including that of Darth Maul…

The weapon was so dangerous because of it unique offensive ability, and at the time it was constructed, there was nothing like it. But that wasn’t the only thing that made it terrifying to face. According to the journals of Ulic Qel Droma, what truly made this weapon unbeatable on the battlefield was it’s ability to tap into the Dark side of the force itself. Whether that be from it’s wielder, the location, or the opponent. So if a Dark Side user took this weapon to a Dark-Side world like Dathomir and faced an opponent who was steeped in the Dark side, they were practically unbeatable. When used against light siders, the weapon gave the opponent chills and left them deeply unsettled throughout the fight.

Por Diego