Han Solo Just Found His Real Father... 1

So the newest Star Wars comic has just released with the Title “Han Solo and Chewbacca”, and Han’s Father has just been revealed. Han solo found Ovan. The comic actually covers some really interesting parts of Han’s life and something incredible just happened in the Star Wars Canon. Han Solo may have just come face to face with his father.

So the story begins with Han Solo deep in thought aboard his ship, the Millenium Falcon with Chewwie also on board. Han shouts over to Chewwie “I hate being cold”, foreshadowing his time frozen in Carbonite. Chewwie fires back and Han tells him that Kashyyyk is warm, but very, very humid. Han then remembers his time in Imperial Service fighting on Mimban, telling Chewwie “I also hate being wet”.

By this point Chewwie is annoyed at Han’s rambling but he tells him that he’s just talking to pass the time. All this waiting around has him bored stiff. Chewwie roars back that if he’s so board, maybe he should help fix the Induction Manifold…

Moments later a crackly voice streams in through the Ship’s comms unit and on the other end is an angry woman named Khel Tanna. Now the reason she is fuming at Han Solo here is because they agreed to rendezvous outside of a Casino that they just robbed, ready for pickup in the falcon. The problem is… that Han hasn’t shown up yet. This has left Khell stranged outside of the Casino on Galator three with a flurry of blaster bolts coming at her and her crew.

Por Diego