The Deeply Disturbing Truths Behind Hutt Space's "Coruscant" 1

Hutt Space was an autonomous region of the galaxy on the border between the Mid Rim and the Outer Rim Territories that was located to the galactic east of the Core Worlds, and was under the control of the Hutt Clan. Largely noted as being a haven to the disreputable denizens of the galaxy, it managed to avoid outright Imperial control by cooperating with Imperial Coruscant. However, following the Battle of Yavin, the Empire made increasing attempts cut into Hutt Space trade and decrease its independence. Following the demise of the Huttcrime lordJabba Desilijic Tiure, Hutt Space was embroiled in conflict as the Hutts attempted to carve up his territory.

After the Jedi Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan Ahsoka Tano rescued Jabba Desilijic Tiure‘s son Rotta from the Separatist assassin Asajj Ventress in 22 BBY, a grateful Jabba allowed the Galactic Republic to pass through Hutt Space during the Clone Wars.

Later, Senator Bail Organa and Junior Representative Jar Jar Binks managed to convince the Toydarian King Katuunko to allow the Republic to use Toydaria as a transit point for the Republic to deliver relief supplies to the Outer Rim planet Ryloth. Following a skirmish between Ventress and Jedi Master Yoda on the moon Rugosa, King Katuunko decided to side with the Galactic Republic in the Clone Wars.

After freeing Ziro Desilijic Tiure from Republic custody, the bounty hunter Cad Bane brought him to the Hutt homeworld of Nal Hutta under the orders of the Grand Hutt Council. The Council imprisoned Ziro after he threatened to divulge incriminating information about the Hutt crime lords to the Republic. This information was stored in a holodiary hidden on the planet Teth in Wild Space. In response, Jedi Masters Obi-Wan Kenobi and Quinlan Vos visited Nal Hutta seeking Ziro’s return and to apprehend Bane. Ziro escaped with the help of the singer Sy Snootles and fled to Teth with the help of his mother Mama. On Teth, Snootles killed Ziro and then brought the holodiary to Jabba; keeping the Hutts’ secrets safe from Bane and the Jedi.

In 20 BBY, Ventress’ former master Count Dooku sent his new apprentice Savage Opress to kidnap King Katuunko. However, Katuunko was killed in the process. Opress and Ventress then tried to kill Dooku but the assassination attempt failed. Opress turned on both Dooku and Ventress and fled back to Dathomir.[16] After escaping the Republic, the bounty hunters Moralo Eval, Cad Bane and «Rako Hardeen» (who was actually Kenobi undercover) crash-landed their ship in the swamps of Nal Hutta. Despite being pursued by Anakin and Ahsoka, they managed to escape offworld on a ship which Kenobi had bought using funds from the Jedi Order.

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