The Scorpenek annihilator droid was a droid constructed by the Colicoid Creation Nest.

In essence a much larger version of the Colicoidsdroideka, the annihilator droid was armed with two dual rapid-fire laser cannons cocked back in the menacing form of a rampant scorpion. It could target with either a crimson photoreceptor, or with a composite radiation sensor. It also carried a combination particleenergy shield, similar to the shield produced by the annihilator’s smaller cousin. Because of this extra shield, droidekas would position themselves inside the annihilator’s shield for more protection. With fewer than one hundred annihilators on Colla IV, the Colicoids placed them around strategic or political resources. However, their eye was a large weakpoint and could be easily taken down by the slightest touch to the center of the eye.

The Scorpenek annihilator droid appears to be based on a piece of concept art for Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones. It also resembles concept art of what would become the droideka.

Por Diego