Which Jedi Took Grogu From the Jedi Temple During Order 66? 1

Who Took Grogu From the Jedi temple? Barriss Offee crest has been spotted on the walls of the Grogu Order 66 scene from Luke Skywalker. This may mean that Barriss Offee stole Grogu from the Jedi temple after escaping prison. In the horrid events of Operation Knightfall and Anakin Skywalker’s siege on the Jedi temple, one half of the 501st legion entered the sacred location and slaughtered almost everyone on sight. While the other half of the 501st was plunging to their deaths over a remote icy world, the division Led by Commander Appo helped to wipe out almost every major member of the order who was still present except one. Grogu. So who saved grogu from the onslaught of Anakin Skywalker and the 501st? Well chapter 6 of the Book of Boba Fett just gave us an absolutely monumental hint specifically from Dave Filloni and the Clone Wars series. So, lets break down the massive hint towards who took Grogu from the Jedi temple during Order 66…

So in the latest episode of the Book of Boba Fett we get one of the best looks inside of the Jedi temple during Order 66 in Canon. In fact this is pretty much the only look we get inside during Anakin’s slaughter in the current canon at all, so it was truly awesome to see. In order to do this, Luke uses a new force ability to tap into the mind of his young underling Grogu and revisit the very painful memory of that dark day. Once he does this, he sees through Grogu’s eyes that three Jedi are fighting to their absolute last breath, presumably to defend him and his escape. We don’t currently know who these three Jedi actually are, but many people have suggested that they could be Jedi Battlemaster Cin drallig and his students Bene and Whie Malreaux. Now based on looks alone this is very reasonable, but there is one major thing pointing away from that being the case.

In Revenge of the Sith we actually see these three show up when Obi-Wan views the security records from Anakin’s slaughter. In those recordings Obi-Wan directly sees Anakin dueling and presumably slaughtering them in cold blood. The Jedi Grogu’s memory are clearly killed by 501st Clone Troopers with blaster bolts… And shot many times after they were already dead. So it doesn’t really fit for it to be them, but i’m sure we’ll get a comic line in the near future explaining more of this in detail and some of the other heartbreaking events from that day. But despite all that, there is one more key piece of information from Grogu’s memory that could tell us exactly who saved him. If you look up to both the top right and left corners of the scene when Grogu is witnessing the slaughter of the Jedi, you can actually see a very interesting little emblem or crest painted directly onto the walls of the temple.

Now believe it or not, this crest belongs to none other than the disgraced Jedi temple bomber and Padawan of Luminara Unduli herself, Barriss Offee. In the Clone Wars Season 5 episode “The Wrong Jedi”, you can see this exact same crest residing in the quarters of Barriss Offee. It sits right behind her as she calls Ahsoka attempting to frame her for the attack on the Jedi temple. It also can be seen on the sliding doors which lead into her room. But the most interesting location for the crest is actually on the door across from Barriss’ quarters, matching up 100% exactly to the shot we see in the Grogu flashback scene. This pretty clearly pinpoints the location of the battle between the clone troopers and Jedi to the hallway outside of Barriss’ quarters. If you look just behind Anakin in the Wrong Jedi episode before he enters Barriss’ room, you can clearly see the same logo as the one on Barriss’ door on the room across from hers. Again, clearly pinpointing the location of the battle to right in front of Barriss Room…

For Dave filloni to place the battle right in front of that room is very clearly pointing to a Barriss Offee connection. He rarely places little hints like this into the story without some greater meaning down the line.

Por Diego