Boba Fett's Original Design (Imperial Supercommando) 1

The Imperial Super Commandos were Mandalorian warriors loyal to the Galactic Empire whose masterful combat skills were eclipsed only by their ruthlessness. They were led by Gar Saxon, the Imperial Viceroy of Mandalore. Under the leadership of Saxon, the Imperial Super Commandos acted as elite enforcers of the Empire, carrying out high-stakes missions including ambushing and wiping out the Mandalorian Protectors.

The Imperial Super Commandos sported all white Mandalorian armor made from beskar, with helmets that had special visors and a jetpack. Their leader, Gar Saxon, possessed armor with a stark red paint job as a means of displaying his dominance. The commandos utilized blaster rifles which fired yellow blaster bolts. Their armor, while designed and manufactured on Mandalore, bore visual similarities to stormtroopers in order to reflect their alignment with the Galactic Empire.

Did you know Boba Fett was originally designed to be an Imperial Supercommando? Basically an elite stormtrooper. While that idea was scrapped in favor of using his design for a bounty hunter, Star Wars Rebels brought it all full circle in season three, where we saw that some subjugated Mandalorian citizens chose to ally themselves with the Empire, wearing white and red armor similar to Boba Fett’s very first designs.

Por Diego