The Most Ridiculous Name in Star Wars 1

During the battle of Scarrif one brave Rebel fighter gave his life in the Mission to steal the death star plans from the Citadel Vault and give the Rebellion Hope. He was born on the planet Pipada in 31 bby and was ready to begin his career in structural dynamics… that was until the empire came and he gave up his career to join the rebels…

When he joined however there was horrible confusion as he introduced himself. This man’s name was Paodok Draba Takat Sap De Rekti Nik Linke Ti Ki Vef Nik NeSeved Li Kek. After hearing this Rebel high command were absolutely flabbergasted and forced him to shorten it to just Paodok Draba Takat. His friends in the alliance then forced him to shorten it even further to just pao, or they would never speak to him again…

Por Diego