The Definitive Guide to the Most Terrible Battle in Star Wars 1

The Battle of Malachor V, also called Ani’la Akaan—the «Great Last Battle»—in Mando’a, was the final cataclysmic battle of the Mandalorian Wars. It transformed the planet Malachor V into a «graveyard world» after Meetra Surik sacrificed a significant portion of her own forces to obliterate the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders.

The battle is described in the video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, its sequel, the historical article Chronicles of the Old Republic, and the Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide, but the various descriptions contain a number of notable discrepancies.

In the first game in the KotOR series, Canderous Ordo states that Revan alone was responsible for winning the battle, but in the second game, he remarks that it was Meetra Surik who defeated his people. The sequel also makes it clear, via Bao-Dur’s dialogue, that Revan was delayed and that his fleet was in dire straits by the time that he arrived—a fact which is difficult to reconcile with the other descriptions of the battle.

Although Knights of the Old Republic II has the Exile ordering Bao-Dur to activate the Generator, the Revan novel, The Essential Guide to Warfare and Timeline 9: The Mandalorian Wars state that Revan was the one to activate it.

The manner of Mandalore the Ultimate’s death is also unclear. Knights of the Old Republic and The New Essential Chronology state that Revan killed Mandalore in hand-to-hand combat, but in Knights of the Old Republic II, Canderous states that Revan executed him.

Por Diego