The Secret Reason the New Republic Remade Rogue Squadron 1

Rogue Squadron, also referred to as Rogue Group, was a Rebel Alliance starfighter squadron founded by Luke Skywalker during the Galactic Civil War. They were named for Rogue One, the team of Rebels led by Jyn Erso who sacrificed themselves to steal the Death Star plans during the Battle of Scarif. The squadron was officially formed during the Galactic Empire‘s attack on the Mako-Ta Space Docks and fought in a number of engagements, including the Battle of Hoth.

The squadron flew craft such as the T-47 airspeeders, T-65B X-wing starfighters, and occasionally BTL-A4 Y-wing assault starfighter/bombers when heavy ordnance was required.

Rogue Squadron had some secret responsibilities far more important than simply being the New Republic’s most famous Star Fighter Squadron. We’ll take a look at Rogue Squadron after the Battle of Endor on today’s Star Wars Legends Lore video!

Por Diego