The Lie Palpatine Told About Plo Koon After Order 66 1

Despite being one of the most widely respected Jedi Generals of the clone Army, loved by all of his Clones and even the general Public, Palpatine was desperate to scorch the image of the Jedi after Order 66. In order to do this, Emperor Palpatine hired his best friend and fixer, Sate Pestage to write a report about the specific ways each prominent Jedi committed treason before Order 66, justifying their deaths.. Of course all fake…

For Plo Koon, Palpatine told the Galaxy that he was in the process of committing a brutal kamikaze attack on a local Neimoidian Nursery, housing hundreds of young kids, and thus had to be shot down by his Clone Troopers to prevent their deaths…

Por Diego