What was the Greatest Capital Ship in Star Wars History? 1

The Viscount Class Star Defender was arguably the most powerful ship in Star Wars History – it took everything great about the Mon Calamari line of vessels, from smart design, to an impenetrable shield, and scaled it up to Super Star Destroyer Size. While the Prototype vicount was only 3 km long, the full production Dreadnought was 17 km with over 4,000 heavy and regular turbolasers, and could carry over a dozen squadrons of starfighters. Viscounts were used by the New Republic in Star Wars Legends, and were introduced during the Yuuzhan Vong war, these ships protected the new Republic’s most important planets and stood head-to-head against the largest fleets the Yuuzhan Vong could throw at the Galaxy. Although it lacked the Super laser of the eclipse, in my opinion the viscount was probably the greatest ship in Star Wars Legends history.

The Viscount-class Star Defender was envisioned as the New Republic equivalent of an Executor-class Star Dreadnought. The first prototype was a 3 km long battlecruiser, and the full production model was a 17 km long dreadnought. Although slightly shorter in length than the Executor-class, the superior engineering skills of the Mon Calamari enabled the vessel to carry more starfighters. Furthermore, the vessel required a substantially smaller crew to operate. Its shape was also more compact than the Executor-class and it had heavier and more extensive armor. Dozens of docking clamps allowed the vessel to directly dock with many other capital ships at the same time.

Offensive and defensive systems

The Viscount-class was equipped with over five thousand weapons systems, including heavy turbolaser batteries and assault concussion missile launchers. The Viscount’s shields had backups, like previous Calamari designs, and were thus highly regenerative. The computers, electronic equipment, and sensor systems were above and beyond those of an Imperial Star Dreadnought, and it carried a HoloNet transceiver as well. Its heavy armament was on par with the Empire’s Executor Class Star Destroyer.


Ships of the class could carry hundreds of starfighters, as well as dozens of small support vessels, including frigate-sized ships. The class was also fitted with enough life pods to carry the crews of the ship itself, and also those of whatever smaller support vessels were carried at the time. This totaled a passenger-capacity of 500,000 individuals. The ship was also equipped with enough repair droids to cover the entire vessel during emergency repairs.

Other systems

To support wounded in combat, the Viscount-class had hundreds of self-replenishing bacta tanks in its medical wings. It also had fighter repair bays, for the repair and maintenance of the ship’s starfighters.

Por Diego