The Planet that Fought off both Republic and Separatists 1

The Kon’me were a sentient reptilian species native to the ocean planet Bal’demnic in the Outer Rim’s Auril sector. Living on the small islands that littered the surface of Bal’demnic, the Kon’me divided themselves into two prominent social classes, an upper-class that resided in luxurious bubble-like structures on oceanside cliffs, and a lower-class that lived in simple, thatch, beachside dwellings. Known to be extremely distrustful of off-worlders, the Kon’me tried to keep from involving themselves in larger galactic affairs unless absolutely necessary, but they were unable to avoid being forced into the Clone Wars when it was discovered that Bal’demnic’s cliffs contained the rare mineral cortosis.

In 19 BBY, the Confederacy of Independent Systems invaded Bal’demnic, seeking to mine the cortosis ore, with the higher-class Kon’me reluctantly allowing the Separatists’ occupation. However, the beachfront Kon’me were less compliant, and rebelled against the Confederate battle droid army. During the resulting battle, the Galactic Republic sent a detachment of its clone army led by a number of Jedi Knights to assist the Kon’me insurrection. The Kon’me rebels, however, seeing all the off-worlders as tyrannical invaders, fought back against both Confederate and Republic armies, eventually forcing the two intruding factions to leave Bal’demnic.

Por Diego