The SECRET General Grievous Sith Lightsaber Collection 1

General Grievous’ lightsaber collection is arguably one of the most famed collections of lightsabers throughout the galaxy. Or is it?

The lightsaber collection in question here is none other than the famed trophies of the fearsome General Grievous. A source of fear for the Younglings of the Jedi Order and a constant thorn in the sides of the Jedi Knights all through the Clone Wars, General Grievous was a commander of the Separatist forces during the times before the rise of the Empire.

So, among the many questions surrounding the collection, the one that nobody can be sure of is how many lightsabers were in it. But fear not, this article will answer that question and all the others that you could possibly have about one of the most gruesome trophy collections in Star Wars.

By the time you reach the end of this Jedi-slaying, trophy-collecting, fear-inspiring story; you will know all too well why General Grievous was the only non-Force sensitive person that the Jedi considered a threat. And how he was able to defeat so many members of the Jedi Order.

Por Diego