Star Wars The Bad Batch S1 EPISODE 12 Full Breakdown 1

Star Wars the Bad Batch Season 1 Episode 12, Rescue on Ryloth has finally been released, and as you can probably guess from the title, we return to the home of the Twi’lek People, Ryloth. The episode has some cool little connections to the other tv shows, and hints at something absolutely massive for the Clone Troopers of the empire., So, lets break down everything that went down in the episode, and how they will affect the series going into the final 4 episodes .

So the story begins back on Ryloth, where Hera’s parents Eleni and Cham Syndulla, as well as other members of the Ryloth resistance movement have been arrested after the “attempted assasinatino of Orn Free Taa, who’s serving as the senator of the planet. Obviously, Cham Syndulla never pulled the trigger on Orn Free Taa, and it was instead Crosshair, but the Empire will never pass up a good opportunity to throw their enemies in the brig.

Following this, Rampart demands that Hera’s mother reveal the location of her daughter, but she refuses, leading Rampart to order Captain Howzer to arrest anyone who sympathizes with the Twi’Lek resistance and the Syndullas. Unlike most other Clone Troopers after Order 66, Howzer speaks up against this order, warning Rampart that they have no reason to arrest these innocent people, but Rampart is happy to make up and excuse to do it. This is again showing a much higher level of independence in Captain Howzer, possibly hinting that he was one of the Clones who resisted Order 66, as Rex told us on Bracca. It could be that Howzer’s chip is damaged, or even that all of the inhibitor chips are starting to wear off now that we’re quite a few weeks past Order 66.

Howzer then again speaks up, knowing that the blaster bolt that hit Orn Free Taa certainly didn’t come from Cham Syndulla, but Rampart isn’t having it and tells his captain to leave the thinking to him… Yet another sign that Howzer is not far from flipping.

Following this, Chopper and Hera overhear Crosshair and his elite squad, and realize that they will scour every inch of the planet until they find her, so she knows she must send out a transmission, for someone to come and save her. As a result, she sends a holo message to the Bad Batch, who argue if it really is smart to save someone they just met, but eventually Omega convinces them to head to Ryloth.

After this, The Bad Batch arrive on the planet and rush to Cham Syndulla’s old resistance base, where Hera is hiding out, trying to avoid detection by the Empire. The young Twi’lek is terrified at the situation, and the Bad Batch not sure whether or not to help out because they don’t fully know the situation, eventually they give in and agree to give it a look.

While scouting the situation out, Omega is shocked to learn that wherever the batch happen to be in the Galaxy, they always come face to face with Crosshair every time. Either way, a probe droid quickly finds their location and reports it to Crosshair, which of course puts them in severe danger, leading the Batch to Flee back to cham’s secret base.

Por Diego