The Force Ability That Plo Koon Used - Electric Judgement 1

Plo Koon was known to use the light side version of Sith Lightning, ELECTRIC JUDGEMENT. Force Judgement, or yellow lightning. Plo Koon’s force lightning was forbidden by the Jedi order, unless under heavy supervision.

During a mission to capture a criminal, Plo Koon confronted a man in his apartment and saw that he had kidnapped a young girl, and killed her entire family. Being overwhelmed with a sense of justice, Plo Koon unleashed a monumental barrage of yellow lightning at the criminal’s head, knocking him out. Master Plo immediately reported this to the Jedi council, and told them he felt no anger or fear during this action, meaning it wasn’t fuelled by the dark side.

After much meditation, Plo realized that it would be wrong of him to ignore this power, so he instead developed into a useful technique, called Electricic Judgement, the Jedi’s equivalent to Sith Lightning. He recorded his knowledge of it in the great jedi holocron, but it was soon classified as forbidden by the Council, unless strictly supervised.

Por Diego