What Palpatine Thought of the Jedi BEFORE He Became a Sith 1

The Imperial family was the first dynasty of the Galactic Empire under Emperor Palpatine.

Originally known as House Palpatine, the family was an ancient noble Human family from the planet Naboo. House Palpatine was known throughout its history on Naboo as a conservative and isolationist family, though it was not as prominent or wealthy as some of the other Royal Houses of Naboo.

In 65 BBY, House Palpatine was rendered almost extinct when the eldest son of Cosinga Palpatine, who insisted on being known simply as Palpatine, exterminated all of his immediate family, including his father. Palpatine was initiated into the Order of the Sith Lords by Darth Plagueis as Darth Sidious, and later came to rule the galaxy as Emperor of the Galactic Empire for more than two decades. During his rule, many claimants contended blood relation to House Palpatine, and similarly, pretenders sought to legitimize their bid for the throne after the Emperor’s fall. The House’s color was scarlet, prominently featured on the family crest, which depicted a veermok, an aiwha and a zalaaca.

Por Diego