Does Omega Have a Secret Inhibitor Chip?? 1

Inhibitor chips were biochips that were engineered into the clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic.

The chips were surgically implanted into the brains of every single clone embryo past stage three of development. Allegedly to prevent clone troopers from being overly independent and aggressive, their true function was intended by Jedi Sifo-Dyas to be a safeguard against control by rogue Jedi or Sith. However, the covert involvement in the cloning program of the Sith LordTyranus—known as publicly as Count Dooku to most in the galaxy—ensured that from the very beginning of the Clone Wars, the chips would play an integral part of the Sith conspiracy to control the clones and guarantee them capable of killing their Jedi Generals in accordance with Order 66.

The official guide for the latest episode of The Bad Batch, Battle Scars, has some interesting information in it. First, it seems to imply that Omega does not have accelerated aging like every other clone. But second, it MIGHT suggest that she does, indeed, have an inhibitor chip, despite saying that she doesn’t in the episode itself. So what does that mean for the future of the series?

Por Diego