Thrawn Confirmed for Ahsoka Show! | Lars Mikkelsen Cast 1

Grand Admiral Thrawn has been confirmed for the Ahsoka Tano show/series coming to Disney Plus! Lars Mikkelsen has officially been cast and is set to reprise his role from Star Wars Rebels in live action! This is great news for Star Wars fans and I honestly can’t see anyone else playing the role of Grand Admiral Thrawn in Ahsoka. I personally think that this show will take us far away into the unknown regions where Thrawn and Ezra are and this way Ahsoka has a way to still be part of the Star Wars galaxy even though she failed to make an appearance in the sequel trilogy. This may also open up the door for the Filoni verse that has been rumored to be going around. Now personally I don’t think that it will replace the sequels, but I do think that it may take us into a different part of the galaxy where Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau can tell a different «Sequel Trilogy» story that is more or less separate from the one that Disney and Lucasfilm gave us!

Por Diego