7 Facts About AHSOKA TANO To Know Before The Mandalorian 1

Ahsoka Tano is a Torgruta Jedi who served as the loyal Padawan to Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker during the height of the Clone Wars, before she was horribly framed for an attack on the Jedi Temple, by her good friend Barriss Offee, causing her to be wrongfully expelled from the Jedi Order. After the Jedi council discovered that had no part in the attack on the temple, she was offered a spot back inside of the Order, but sadly she refused and took her own path in life.

So With Ahsoka Tano appearing in the Mandalorian Season 2 Episode 5, I’m going to break down 7 awesome Facts about Ahsoka Tano that may be very important before Mandalorian Chapter 13 – The Jedi, Airs.

Number 1. Ahsoka Was almost kidnapped and stolen away from her home by a Jedi Imposter at a very young age.

Ahsoka was born on the planet Shili to two Torgurta Parents many years before the Clone Wars. Because of her incredible force sensitivity and connection with the force, Ahsoka was discovered by the Jedi Order’s scouts only a very short while after her birth.

Before the Jedi Order could send one of their own to collect the young girl however, Ahsoka was tracked down by a Zygerrian slaver, who were species known for their love of slavery and for holding one of the Galaxy’s last remaining Slave Empire’s, despite the practice being outlawed by the Republic many years prior.

This Zygerrian slaver was one of the most renowned bounty hunters among her people, and was tasked by her queen to track down and capture force sensitive children around the galaxy.

After the Zygerrian arrived at Ahsoka’s home town on Shili, she pretended to be a member of the Jedi Order, sent by the council to collect the force-sensitive togruta, but of course in reality, she planned to take Ahsoka in as a slave to the Zygerrian people. Luckily, as the bounty hunter was in the process of stealing Ahsoka away from her parents, Jedi Master Plo Koon arrived on the planet, and thankfully rescued Ahsoka, bringing her back to safety on Coruscant.

Number 2. Ahsoka’s headdress is made from the Teeth of a Deadly Predator.

Ahsoka’s headdress was a traditional garment worn by many Togruta males and females , and was known as the Akul-tooth headdress on the planet Shili. This item was carefully crafted using pearls, various precious metals, stones and most importantly, the Teeth of the Akul beast.

Only Togrutas who were brave enough and strong enough to face an Akul Beast along and come out on top were given the right to wear this important headdress, marking them as a truly fierce warrior of their species. The Akul was a large, four-legged predator with orange fur, which menacingly roamed and prowled the Grasslands of Shili, striking fear into the hearts of many Togrutas. The jaw and teeth of this ferocious creature was so strong no Togruta in history had ever broken free from it’s hold, once it’s teeth sunk into their thick skin.

Number 3. Ahsoka is actually not dead in the Rise of Skywalker.

In one of the final scenes of Episode IX, the Rise of Skwyalker, Rey was guided by the voices and force spirits of some of the most influential and important Jedi from before her time. Among the voices that spoke to Rey were Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu, Anakin Skywalker, Kanan Jarrus and of course Ahsoka Tano. Because every single one of the Jedi who spoke to Rey during her fight with Palpatine are confirmed to be dead, many of us believed that this unfortunately confirmed Ahsoka’s death by the time of Episode 9.

Thankfully however, Dave Filoni, the co-creator of Ahsoka, along with George Lucas has strongly hinted, and probably confirmed that Ahsoka is actually still alive with multiple statements. The first thing Dave Filloni said after Ahsoka’s appearance in Episode was:

It doesn’t really have any big implications to what I’m doing with the character, to be honest, I just thought it was a really fun thing to include”.

He also went on to add: “[Star Wars fans] deal a lot in absolutes, which is very much a Sith thing. I remember in The Empire Strikes Back Luke speaking out through the Force to Leia. Vader also does this at the end of Empire Strikes Back. There’s no absoluteness that these people are dead.”

This statement right here pretty much gives us a big nod that Ahsoka is definitely not dead and that Dave Filoni has many plans for her character in the future, including the Mandalorian Season 2.

And to put the cherry on top, after making these Statements, Dave Filloni released an awesome piece of artwork that he drew, on his twitter Page, once again reassuring everyone that Ahsoka is probably still out there during the time period after the Mandalorian. As you can tell by the photo, Dave Filloni is a massive Lord of the Rings Fan.

Number 4. Ahsoka Worked as a Mechanic to survive After Order 66.

Por Diego