The ZOMBIE Battle Droid Who Could Reanimate Other Droids 1

During the early months of the Clone Wars, Captain Rex and his Torrent Company were sent to the agricultural world of Biitu on a mission to inspect the local farming facilities on the planet. After landing on the dustry world however, Captain Rex and Clone Sergeant Coric, who was heavily involved at the battle of Teth, come across something incredibly mysterious. One of the local farmers on the planet tells the two Clones a tale about a separatist battle droid who has come back to life like a zombie, and has been reanimating his fellow battle droid brothers. Rex and Coric don’t believe the Farmer’s story, until they come face to face with the zombie droid themselves.

The story begins with Captain Rex, Coric and the Torrent company touching down on the farming world of Biitu, in their LAAT gunship, after being sent to inspect the local operations on the planet.

The foreman and lead farmer on the planet had been capturing and collecting stranded B-1 battle droids and other separatist equipment for their own use, which angers Coric, who tells captain Rex that he hates war profiteers almost as much as he hates the clankers. Rex quickly and firmly responds to Coric, telling him to keep that attitude on the LAAT, because the local Bituians aren’t running a tatooine-style black-market. They’re being commissioned by the Republic senate. Coric brushes his Captain’s advice off saying, “Whatever you say captain”… “All I know is that the business of this planet caused the death of plenty of Clones”, including many from the brave Torrent company. Rex looks away from Coric as he says this, because deep inside of him, Rex wonders if this may actually be the truth.

Moments after this the Clones of the Torrent Company touch down on the dusty surface of the planet, where they are joyfully greeted by Pitor, who is the foreman and leader of the plantworks on the planet. Coric is shocked at just how excitable the small Bituian is, but Rex quickly urges him to keep his mind on the mission. Just moments after he does this however, Pitor rushes up to Captain Rex, hugging him around the waist with a tremendous amount of force for a being of his size.

Rex is stunned by this, but remains composed and introduces himself and Coric to Pitor. Rex then quickly tells Pitor that Republic command had sent him and his men to the planet to investigate a disturbance, but that they weren’t given too many details.

The small Bituian then begins going on a long tangent about how he has created a scrap recycling plant on the planet and the fact that it is the largest in the outer rim, collecting thousands of destroyed and horribly damaged B-1 Battle droids. While the small foreman is talking, Coric remarks that with the amount of B-1 Battle droids on the scrap pile, you’d think the Republic were winning the war. And let me know down below whether you think it is right for Pitor to go behind the backs of his people to collect and salvage these broken down battle droids, which does provide them resources and funding to stay afloat, but also puts them in severe danger. There are definitely arguments both ways, so let me know down below what you think!

Pitor continues on explaining the process of how he recycles the metal from the many fallen battle droids, happily telling Rex that he removes the useful components, before melting down the shiny outer plating of the droids. Rex hurries Pitor along with his story, this time being annoyed and asking him why exactly he needs the clone forces to help him out at all.

This drives Pitor into a massive panic, scaring him to the bones. Pitor worriedly tells Rex that he needs the Clones on his homeworld because of “the Reanimator”. Rex and Coric are absolutely lost, asking, “The What?”. In response to this, Pitor continues his nervous walk and explains to Rex that the Reanimator was a Zombie-like droid who forged himself from the bodies of his fallen battle droid brothers. On top of this, this undead battle droid was raising his fellow clankahs from the dead, bringing them back to life in order to fight the local population on the planet.

Por Diego