The First Jedi Darth Vader Battled and Defeated in his Suit 1

The Non-Canon Expert looks at the first Jedi Darth Vader was able to locate, engage in lightsaber combat against, and ultimately defeat within his new suit after Episode 3, explaining the difficulties Darth Vader would experience when having to fight with his suit and cybernetics for the first time and also how Darth Vader’s first lightsaber duel with a Jedi after Episode 3 was seen in both the Legends lore and the current Canon lore. This is a story for Darth Vader that looks at both the Legends and Canon, with the Legends information found within the Legends novel «Star Wars: Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader,» and the Canon information found within the 2017 Darth Vader comic series.

Por Diego