Understanding the Role of CIS Star Fighters 1

Today we break down the role and purpose of each starfighters ship in the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

The Confederacy of Independent Systems (CIS), also known as the Separatist Alliance, the Separatist State, and commonly referred to as the Separatists, was a partially recognized galactic government that controlled a portion of the Mid Rimand Outer Rim Territories. Formed by thousands of secessionist star systems on the grounds of excessive taxation and corruption within the Galactic Senate, the Separatists were led by the former JediCountDooku, who served as the Alliance’s Head of State. In addition the Separatists were secretly supported by several corporations, including the Trade Federation, the Techno Union, the Retail Caucus, the InterGalactic Banking Clan, the Commerce Guild, and the Corporate Alliance.

Por Diego