STAR WARS: The Animated Movie 1

Animation, design, writing, editing, everything: JERONIMUS DEKKER Voice of C.J. Thorpe: JONATHAN COOKE Voice of The Officer: OMRI ROSE

STAR WARS: The Animated Movie has been hand-drawn (drawn by hand), with pencil on paper. Obviously it took a monk’s sense of concentration and dedication, or perhaps a madman’s, but it had to be done, there was no other way. As I went from scene to scene, I got deeper and deeper into it, as if I had found a secret passageway to some residual childhood magic; I kept adding touches and flourishes, not wanting to leave that world anymore. One more background detail, one more shot of this, one more extra bit there. Go that extra mile, push it further. I was 8 again and drawing those elaborate comics nobody read but me.

Por Diego