Star Wars: Boba Fett – Enemy of the Empire is a four-issue comic series originally published by Dark Horse Comics in 1999. The narrative is set before the events of A New Hope and features Boba Fett, the galaxy’s most feared bounty hunter, hired by Darth Vader for a mission to retrieve a mysterious box. The contents of this box are so crucial that Vader plans to eliminate Fett to safeguard its secret.
Key Details:
- Original Publication: 1999 by Dark Horse Comics.
- Storyline: Boba Fett is tasked by Darth Vader to locate and deliver a small box. Unbeknownst to Fett, Vader intends to kill him after the mission to protect the box’s secret. The series explores the ensuing conflict between Fett and Vader.
Marvel Edition (2015): After acquiring the Star Wars comic license, Marvel Comics reprinted several classic stories under the «Legends» banner. Enemy of the Empire was included in these reprints, allowing new audiences to experience this tale.