Star Wars: The High Republic Phase III Vol. 2 – The Hunted (2024) continues the narrative of the High Republic initiative, set approximately 200 years before The Phantom Menace. Phase III, titled «Trials of the Jedi,» serves as the conclusion to the High Republic saga, showcasing the escalating struggles of the Jedi Order and the Republic as they face increasingly dire threats.
What to Expect in The Hunted:
- A Dark Turn: The title «The Hunted» implies that Jedi or key characters may find themselves on the defensive, pursued by a powerful adversary, possibly the Nihil or another emerging threat.
- Moral and Ethical Dilemmas: This volume might explore the toll of relentless pursuit on the Jedi, testing their resolve and adherence to the light side of the Force.
- Character Development: Expect intense focus on the personal struggles of Jedi heroes, their allies, and possibly the hunted adversaries, bringing depth to their arcs.
- Galaxy-Wide Stakes: As the High Republic moves closer to its conclusion, this volume could hint at the cracks forming in the Jedi Order, foreshadowing events that lead to their eventual decline by the prequel era.