«Star Wars – Battle of Jakku – Insurgency Rising 003» is an intriguing title that explore the aftermath of the Empire’s downfall and the intense confrontation that took place on Jakku. Following the Galactic Empire’s defeat at the Battle of Endor, the Empire’s remaining forces and the New Republic waged a brutal final confrontation on Jakku. This was not just a battle, but a turning point in galactic history, symbolizing the end of the Empire’s grip over the galaxy.
«Insurgency Rising 003» is part of a series, it focus on how remnants of the Empire regrouped to make their last stand. Here, Imperial holdouts could be depicted in desperation, employing all resources to secure Jakku as their last stronghold. On the other hand, the New Republic would be shown with a growing insurgency aimed at uprooting the last of the Imperial military.