Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures #10 (2024) by Daniel José Older, continues the saga set during the High Republic era. In this issue, Zeen, Lula, and their friends face a familiar enemy in Eriadu City, where the Jedi and Republic are engaged in a battle to protect the capital. The story is marked by growing tensions between the Republic, the Jedi, and the Nihil forces, while the fate of the planet hangs in the balance.
One of the most notable elements in this issue is the twist in the plot, which surprised many readers and added depth to the ongoing story. The issue has been praised for its clever writing and intriguing developments that intensify the challenges faced by the heroes. Despite not having a lot of direct action, the issue sets up significant events to come and leaves readers excited for future installments.
This issue has received positive reviews, with critics noting that it keeps the story fresh and engaging. If you’re a fan of the High Republic era and its rich lore, this issue is a must-read for its unique twists and character moments.